
Lisa Kane Dreams of freeway utopias: who benefits? 

Spring 1937: the Shell Oil Company employs stage designer Norman Bel Geddes, to create the ‘City of Tomorrow’, a scale model of a utopian future, for shows in New York and Detroit. The head of the Bureau of Street Traffic Research predicts that American cities will be rebuilt in this way over the next 25-50 […]

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Lisa Kane Streets for kids

2020 was the year that we will remember for COVID. It was also the year that NACTO shared its ‘Streets for Kids’ design guidelines. In traditional road design, it’s strange to imagine designing streets around kids. In traditional ways of thinking streets are designed for efficiency, which means the greatest throughput possible and at the

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Lisa Kane Wanting speed vs. slowing down

The connections between speed and safety risk are clear-cut. Driving at speed increases the time and distance it takes a vehicle to slow down – increasing the risk of a collision. Driving at speed increases the force of impact and so the likelihood of injury. Driving at speed reduces the ‘cone of vision’ of driving

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